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Here's What You Can Expect At Each Prenatal Appointment

Here's What You Can Expect At Each Prenatal Appointment

Prenatal care is a cornerstone of a healthy pregnancy. It involves a series of checkups with a trusted obstetrician to monitor the progress of both the expectant mother and the growing baby.

Here at the Center for Women’s Health in Wichita, Kansas, board-certified OB/GYN Sharon Breit, MD, and our team provide top-quality, patient-centered care to women before, during, and after pregnancy. 

Keep reading to learn more about what happens during typical prenatal visits. 

Confirming pregnancy and establishing care

Prenatal care begins with confirming your pregnancy. You can expect to attend your first prenatal appointment around 8-10 weeks after your last period. During this visit, we conduct a comprehensive initial assessment. 

This typically includes:

This is also a time to discuss any preexisting medical conditions. 

The first trimester is a critical time for the developing baby, so we talk with you about nutrition, lifestyle changes, and prenatal vitamins. 

We check your blood pressure and weight at each visit, and depending on your specific situation, we may order blood or urine tests.

Monitoring growth and health

Around the second trimester (14-28 weeks), you can expect more frequent prenatal appointments — every four weeks is typical. 

During these visits, we focus on monitoring the baby's growth and checking your overall health to ensure that you’re on track. Expect regular ultrasounds so we can check on your baby’s progress.

Mention any concerns or symptoms you may be experiencing, such as morning sickness or fatigue. This is also the time when you can expect to learn the baby's gender, if you choose. 

Preparing for birth

As you enter the third trimester (around 28-40 weeks), you can expect prenatal appointments every two weeks. During this final trimester, we focus on preparing you for as healthy a birth as possible and ensuring your baby's well-being. 

We closely monitor your blood pressure, weight, and any signs of preeclampsia (abnormally high blood pressure during pregnancy) or gestational diabetes.

Dr. Breit performs regular cervical checks and continues to monitor your baby's position, growth, and heart rate. If you have any concerns or complications, we’re well-equipped to address them, ensuring the safest and healthiest delivery possible.

Beyond pregnancy

Your care doesn't end with childbirth. We provide dedicated postpartum care to support your recovery and the baby's health. After delivery, we recommend that you schedule a follow-up appointment to assess your overall well-being. 

This is an opportunity to discuss breastfeeding or any other concerns you may have.

Top-quality prenatal care

Prenatal care is integral to a healthy pregnancy. With the right support, you can ensure the best possible pregnancy and delivery. Call us at the Center for Women’s Health in Wichita, Kansas, at 316-202-1690 to schedule your prenatal consultation today or contact us online.

Telehealth appointments are also available. Please call our clinic to determine if your visit is eligible for a telemedicine appointment.

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