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How To Prepare Your Body for Childbirth

How To Prepare Your Body for Childbirth

You want to be in the healthiest shape possible when you're thinking about getting pregnant. It's important to schedule a visit with an OB/GYN to plan on how to have a healthy pregnancy.

Your OB/GYN is your No. 1 resource when you're planning to have a child. Here at the Center for Women's Health in Wichita, Kansas, board-certified OB/GYN Sharon Breit, MD, provides exceptional care from the moment you plan to get pregnant.

We can help you with any health conditions you may have and discuss getting your body ready for pregnancy. The healthier you are prior to getting pregnant, the better it is for the outcome of the pregnancy.

Keep reading to learn more about some steps you can take to get your body ready for pregnancy.

Start exercising regularly

If exercise hasn't been on the top of your priority list, it's time to start getting regular physical activity. Moderate exercise is not only good for your overall health, it can also aid in fertility and help get your body ready for pregnancy. 

In one study, moderate exercise, such as walking, golfing, or leisurely biking, resulted in a shorter time in getting pregnant.

Avoid overdoing it. More isn’t necessarily better. In fact, the study found that intense exercise reduced the chances of pregnancy by over 40%. On the other hand, moderate exercise appears to speed up the time it takes to get pregnant. 

This effect was not seen in women who were overweight or obese. But women of all shapes and sizes can benefit from engaging in regular exercise to prepare their bodies for pregnancy.

Maintain a well-balanced diet

If you're planning to get pregnant, now is the time to make sure that you're consuming a nutrient-dense, well-balanced diet. That means having a variety of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, and whole grains to supply your body with the nutrients it needs to function optimally.

We recommend that you start prenatal vitamins three months before you plan to conceive. If you become pregnant and haven’t started prenatal vitamins, don’t worry. We work with you and get you started on the right path.

In addition to prenatal vitamins, extra folic acid and calcium are beneficial. Extra folic acid helps prevent certain birth defects, such as neural tube defects during early pregnancy. Foods that contain folic acid include leafy greens, citrus fruits, and legumes. Excellent sources of calcium are low-fat dairy and tofu, as well as dark leafy greens.

Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight or obese can affect your ability to become pregnant and increase your risk for complications during pregnancy. That's why you should maintain a healthy weight before getting pregnant. If you're overweight, talk to us about how you can lose weight prior to pregnancy. 

Diet and lifestyle changes like getting plenty of physical activity and adopting a nutrient-dense diet are good places to start. Doing so not only helps get your body ready for pregnancy, but also helps to manage weight. 

Go for a checkup

Visit us for a pre-pregnancy checkup. This gives us the opportunity to catch and address any health problems before they become severe. When you’re preparing to conceive, it’s important to know your baseline health. 

From your blood pressure to your cholesterol, learn where you stand so you can find out what steps to take to ensure that you're in the best possible health for pregnancy.

We’ve got you covered

Our team at the Center for Women’s Health provides expert guidance and support every step of the way from preconception to birth and beyond. 

If you’re planning to get pregnant, call our office or book online to schedule a visit to get off to the best start possible. Telehealth appointments are available. Please call our clinic to determine if your visit is eligible for a telemedicine appointment.

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