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Is Hormonal Birth Control Safe for My Health?

Is Hormonal Birth Control Safe for My Health?

When it comes to contraception, there isn't a one-size-fits-all rule. Choosing the right birth control method is crucial for maintaining optimal health and well-being. 

Hormonal birth control not only allows women to have control over when they start a family, but also has health benefits. 

At the Center for Women’s Health in Wichita, Kansas, board-certified OB/GYN Sharon Breit, MD, and our team of women’s health advanced practice registered nurses empower women to make the birth control choice that works best for them.

In this post, we gathered valuable information on the safety and effectiveness of hormonal birth control. Discuss your options with us at the Center for Women’s Health so you can make an informed decision that's best for you.

Hormonal birth control: how it works

Hormonal birth control prevents pregnancy in two general ways. It changes the levels of certain hormones in your body, which prevents ovulation, and it makes it difficult for sperm to reach an egg. 

This two-pronged approach is very effective at preventing unwanted pregnancy when used correctly. 

There are various forms of hormonal contraception, such as pills, patches, vaginal rings, injections, and intrauterine devices (IUDs).

Safety and effectiveness

Hormonal birth control is considered safe for most women, and it's highly effective when used correctly. The effectiveness of hormonal birth control ranges from 91% to over 99%, depending on the method.

Certain health conditions, medications, and lifestyle factors may affect the safety and effectiveness of hormonal birth control. Talk to us to determine if it's the right choice for you. Our team can evaluate your medical history and current health status.

Benefits beyond pregnancy prevention

Hormonal birth control offers advantages beyond pregnancy prevention. Hormonal birth control can help make periods lighter, more regular and predictable, which is especially helpful for women with irregular cycles.

Some women experience a decrease in menstrual cramps and lighter periods while on hormonal birth control. Additionally, hormonal birth control can help control acne by regulating hormone levels.

Long-term use of hormonal birth control has been associated with a decreased risk of developing ovarian and endometrial cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, and benign breast disease.

Common side effects 

While hormonal birth control is safe for most women, it does have potential side effects. Some common side effects include headaches, nausea, breast tenderness, and mood changes. 

These symptoms usually subside within a few months as your body adjusts to the new hormone levels, but if side effects persist or worsen, discuss your situation with Dr. Breit.

Choosing the right birth control for you

With various hormonal birth control options available, it's important to choose the method that best suits your needs and lifestyle. Some methods, such as the birth control pill, require daily commitment, while others, like IUDs or injections, are more long-term and low-maintenance.

Consider how quickly you want to be able to conceive after stopping birth control. Some methods, like the pill, allow for faster return of fertility, while others, like the injection, may take longer.

Ultimately, choose a method that aligns with your values and comfort level.

Birth control your way

Today, there are more birth control options than ever before, which allows you to choose the birth control method that fits your lifestyle and needs. By making an informed decision and working closely with a health care professional, you can take charge of your reproductive health and confidently plan your future. 

To discuss birth control options and for all of your obstetric and gynecologic needs, call us at 316-202-1690 to schedule a visit with our Center for Women’s Health team, or request an appointment online.

Telehealth appointments are also available. Please call our clinic to determine if your visit is eligible for a telemedicine appointment.

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