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The Importance of Keeping Up With Your Annual Well-Woman Exam, Even During COVID-19

While practicing social distancing and wearing masks when inside public places are important to protect your health, it’s also important to keep up with your annual well-woman exam. At the Center for Women’s Health, your health and safety are of utmost importance to us.

We have implemented COVID-19 protocols in our practice to ensure our Wichita, Kansas, clinic is safe for our patients, staff, and community members. 

In addition to rigorous sanitation and cleaning practices, our staff and patients are screened daily for symptoms and recent travel information. Click here for a complete list of our COVID-19 screening practices and protocols. 

We also offer telehealth appointments. Please call our clinic to determine if your visit is eligible for a telehealth appointment

Why is scheduling an annual well-woman exam so important? 

An annual well-woman exam is an integral part of your overall physical and emotional health. In addition to routine measurements and checks such as weight, blood pressure, and health, our health professionals screen for diseases that, if caught early, are easier to treat. 

Early treatment for many of these conditions, such as cervical, breast, or ovarian cancer, may even be lifesaving. 

COVID-19 should not put your family planning on hold. Your well-woman exam is the best time to discuss birth control or pregnancy questions or issues.  

Also, testing for sexually transmitted diseases can screen for infections that could affect your reproductive and physical health. 

Living in these unprecedented times is stressful enough. If you’re approaching or going through menopause, our board-certified OB/GYN, Dr. Sharon Breit, can offer recommendations or treatments to help you relieve symptoms that interfere with your life. 

Your well-woman exam is also the perfect time to ask personal or intimate questions. Before you go, make a list of questions so you don’t forget to ask them during the exam. 

Your trusted OB/GYN is the ideal person to ask questions related to your:

You can also get advice or referrals for nutrition counseling, starting or maintaining an exercise routine, sleep issues, and relationship problems. 

How often should I schedule a well-woman exam?

You should schedule a well-woman exam every year. While every woman's health needs are different and may change over the years, it’s important to check in with us annually to maintain optimal health.

The screenings and exams change as you enter different life stages. For example, you should get a Pap smear, which is a screening for cervical cancer, every three years between ages 12-29 and every five years between the ages of 30-66.

Is it time for your annual well-woman exam? Call us at the Center for Women’s Health to schedule your appointment today. You can also request an appointment online through this website.

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