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The Negative Impact of Hormone Imbalance and How We Can Help

Hormones help regulate many of your bodily functions. They help you sleep through the night, have babies, grow hair, grow your body, metabolize food, and keep you warm, to name just a few functions that rely on hormones.

If your hormones are imbalanced, this imbalance can have a significant impact on your body, mind, or mood. Everyone has imbalances on occasion — like during times of intense stress or, for women, just before or after a menstrual period. Women also experience imbalances during pregnancy, perimenopause (the time leading up to menopause), and menopause.

Hormone imbalances usually happen when your endocrine glands, which produce and release hormones, are out of whack. The improper functioning of your endocrine glands can be brought on by many things including:

Addressing the causes directly is the first step in balancing your hormones.

The Negative Effects of Hormone Imbalances

For most women, their hormones return to balance after they get their periods or when they’re less stressed. But sometimes hormones remain out of balance, and the effects can be troubling. Some signs you may be experiencing a hormone imbalance are:

Hormone imbalance symptoms can have a life-changing effect on your well-being. Fortunately, once detected and diagnosed, the problematic symptoms can be alleviated.

How to Treat Hormonal Imbalances

At the Center for Women’s Health in Wichita, Kansas, we develop a personalized plan to help get your hormones and your life back in balance. Depending on your issues, treatment options may include:

What is BioTE Hormone Pellet Therapy?

BioTE Hormone Pellet Therapy is a bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. It replaces the hormones that have been depleted in your body and helps reverse many of the symptoms of hormone imbalance.

Bioidentical hormones are natural hormones derived from plants that act like the natural hormones your body produces. Many women prefer this type of HRT to other synthetic types because it’s natural and is delivered in the form of a pellet injected into the top layer of your skin. There are no pills to remember to swallow every day. One rice-sized pellet lasts four to six months, and studies have shown that bioidentical hormones have fewer side effects than synthetic hormones.

Another benefit of BioTE therapy is that the pellets release a steady, consistent stream of hormones throughout the day. You don’t experience surges or drops in hormone levels as with other types of HRT.

For more information about how we can help you balance your hormones and get your life back in balance too, call the Center for Women’s Health or make an appointment online through this website.

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