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Why You Should Have Well-Woman Exams

Annual well-woman exams are important for a variety of reasons throughout your life. For example, they’re crucial for preventive health care, reproductive health, essential educational information, and health screenings.

Women should schedule their first well-woman exam around age 21. Building a relationship with an OB/GYN throughout your life provides you with a trusted medical professional to answer your questions regarding intimate and sometimes uncomfortable questions about your body and health.

Our expert medical team at the Center for Women’s Health, under the direction of Sharon Breit, MD, provides a comfortable and trusting environment to offer compassionate care. Here, we share why you should schedule your well-woman exam every year.

What happens at a well-woman exam?

A physical exam and talking about your health history and concerns are vital parts of every well-woman exam. What happens next depends on your health, your age, your life stage, and your concerns. You may have:

If you’re planning to have a baby, your well-woman exam includes essential information about how to prepare your body and your relationship for that exciting addition. If you have trouble conceiving, we discuss fertility tests and issues. 

Why a well-woman exam is vital for your overall health

Some women get a Pap smear, a test that detects cervical cancer, and a pelvic exam from their primary care physician during an annual checkup. 

While this may be convenient, a comprehensive yearly exam with an obstetrician/gynecologist like Dr. Breit offers way more than just women’s health basics.

An OB/GYN is specially trained in women’s health care needs and can provide a wide range of health-related services throughout your lifetime. By seeing your OB/GYN on a regular basis, you can develop a relationship that supports your changing health and family goals and needs. 

When you’re in your teens and 20s, we can advise you on how to protect yourself against unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. 

As you get older, we can help you prepare for a healthy pregnancy or continue to prevent unwanted pregnancies. And, eventually, we address menopausal issues and concerns. 

An annual well-woman exam is the time to ask questions related to your body, your sexual health, and your physical concerns. Plus, an annual well-woman exam is a perfect time to undergo tests and screenings that help prevent or detect diseases early, when they are easier to treat.

Are you ready to schedule your next well-woman exam? Call us at the Center for Women’s Health in Wichita, Kansas, to make an appointment today. For your convenience, you may request an appointment online through this website. We also offer telehealth appointments.

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