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What Can Help with Menopausal Night Sweats? Jun 28th, 2024

Menopause marks the end of your reproductive years and is official when you’ve gone 12 months without a period. But symptoms tend to start well before you officially reach menopause.  Perimenopause, the transitional phase leading up to menopause is when symptoms such as night sweats often start to emerge.  At...

Pregnancy After Age 35: Why It's "High Risk" and How You Can Stay Healthy Jun 1st, 2024

Pregnancy is a remarkable journey, but there are some added concerns when you conceive after the age of 35. While often labeled “high risk,” most women who conceive after 35 have smooth pregnancies.  Board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Sharon Breit and our team at the Center for Women’s Health provide comprehensive services,...

What Every Woman Should Know About Bone Health After Menopause May 1st, 2024

May is Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month, a time to shine a spotlight on a health issue that women are particularly at risk for after menopause. The good news is that women can take steps to protect their bones and keep them strong as they age. Here at the Center...

PCOS Management: Why Weight Control Is So Important (and How We Can Help) Apr 2nd, 2024

Up to 90% of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are overweight or obese, and as many as 90% are also insulin-resistant. PCOS describes a set of symptoms related to a hormonal imbalance in which androgen levels are abnormally high.  This imbalance causes issues such as: Weight gain Irregular periods...

5 Safe Prenatal Workout Options to Keep You Moving Through Pregnancy Feb 24th, 2024

Maintaining an active lifestyle during pregnancy isn't just beneficial; it's a cornerstone for both maternal and fetal health. Exercise can help manage pregnancy symptoms, improve sleep, reduce stress, and prepare your body for childbirth.  Board-certified OB/GYN Sharon Breit, MD, and our team of women’s health providers at the Center for...

Factors to Consider When Developing Your Labor and Delivery Plan Feb 2nd, 2024

A birth plan is a written outline of your preferences and goals for before, during, and after labor and delivery. In it, you can share your ideal birth scenario.  In addition to expressing your preferences, a birth plan considers what is realistic and practicable, as well as what your care...

How Often Should I Have a Pap Test? Jan 9th, 2024

No longer a leading cause of death among women in the United States, thanks in part to screening and prevention, cervical cancer is still a threat to women’s health.  Since January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, our dedicated providers here at the Center for Women’s Health in Wichita, Kansas, want...

Our Top Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy Through Each Trimester Dec 2nd, 2023

Even the most carefully planned pregnancy can have complications. But working closely with a health care provider and following some helpful tips, along with your doctor’s recommendations, can go a long way in promoting a healthy pregnancy. Here at the Center for Women’s Health, board-certified OB/GYN Sharon Breit, MD, and...

Here's What You Can Expect At Each Prenatal Appointment Nov 2nd, 2023

Prenatal care is a cornerstone of a healthy pregnancy. It involves a series of checkups with a trusted obstetrician to monitor the progress of both the expectant mother and the growing baby. Here at the Center for Women’s Health in Wichita, Kansas, board-certified OB/GYN Sharon Breit, MD, and our team...

Weight Gain During Pregnancy: How Much Is Too Much? Oct 1st, 2023

Pregnancy is a time of joy and anticipation, but it also brings concerns and uncertainties, especially about weight gain. As you prepare to welcome a new life into the world, you may find yourself wondering how much weight you should gain or how much weight gain is normal.  At the...

Does HPV Resolve on Its Own? Sep 1st, 2023

Human papillomavirus (HPV), with its many strains, remains a prevalent topic in conversations about women's health. The vast majority of sexually active women come into contact with it at some point in their lives.  But does your body ever truly rid itself of HPV, or is it a lifelong guest?...

Help! My Period is Excessively Heavy Each Month Aug 1st, 2023

If you’re dealing with heavy periods it might feel normal for you, but excessively heavy periods aren’t normal. Your menstrual cycle shouldn’t feel like a tsunami.  Yet, many women cope with significantly heavy periods that interrupt their life, causing them to limit social engagements, lose work productivity, and miss out...

Do I Need Prenatal Counseling if I've Given Birth Before? Jul 10th, 2023

The joy of expecting a baby brings a flurry of excitement, coupled with an array of questions. If you've given birth before, you might assume that you've already mastered the ropes of pregnancy.  But at the Center for Women's Health, in Wichita, Kansas, we can't stress enough the significance of prenatal counseling,...

4 Effective Ways to Treat Your Menopausal Symptoms Jun 5th, 2023

The journey through menopause can be tumultuous, filled with uncomfortable symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and vaginal dryness that can disrupt your everyday life. But there's good news: You don’t have to endure a rocky road through menopause. At the Center for Women’s Health in Wichita, Kansas, board-certified OB/GYN Sharon Breit,...

Is Hormonal Birth Control Safe for My Health? May 4th, 2023

When it comes to contraception, there isn't a one-size-fits-all rule. Choosing the right birth control method is crucial for maintaining optimal health and well-being.  Hormonal birth control not only allows women to have control over when they start a family, but also has health benefits.  At the Center for Women’s...

How Does Hereditary Cancer Screening for Women Work? Apr 1st, 2023

Cancer can be a devastating diagnosis, and the risk of developing certain types of cancer can be higher in some women due to hereditary factors. Fortunately, hereditary cancer screening is available to help identify women who may be at increased risk for certain types of cancer.  The Center for Women’s Health in...

Menopause and Bone Loss: Everything You Need to Know Mar 6th, 2023

Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of reproductive years and the onset of changes in a woman's body marked by a decrease in estrogen levels. While menopause brings relief from menstrual cycles, it also increases the risk of bone loss, which is a serious health concern....

Title: Physical Development in Girls: What to Expect During Puberty Feb 10th, 2023

Girls often begin puberty between the ages of 8 and 13. It’s the time when the female body matures, thanks to hormones that trigger developmental changes. You can expect physical and emotional changes that can be overwhelming at times.  Board-certified gynecologist Dr. Sharon Breit and our team at the Center...

I've Been Diagnosed with High-Risk HPV: What Happens Next? Jan 17th, 2023

If you receive a diagnosis of high-risk HPV, you might understandably be alarmed. While HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection, only high-risk strains increase the risk of certain cancers.  It should ease your mind to know that in most cases, the human immune system does a good job...

6 Common Myths (and Facts) About IUD Contraception Dec 6th, 2022

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are among the most effective forms of birth control, preventing more than 99.5% of pregnancies. They last 3-10 years and are relatively simple to put in place.  IUDs put you in control of your fertility, allowing you to become pregnant when you want to. Despite the benefits of...

What Is Puberty? Nov 4th, 2022

Puberty is the time when your body changes from a kid to a young adult. This doesn’t happen all at once, but rather gradually over time. Knowing what to expect can help you feel more comfortable about the changes your body will go through. Here at the Center for Women’s...

How an STD Can Impact Your Pregnancy Oct 1st, 2022

Having a sexually transmitted disease (STD) during pregnancy increases your risk of serious complications, including miscarriage, stillbirth, and preterm delivery. You can also pass the infection to your baby in the womb, during labor, or while breastfeeding. OB/GYN Sharon Breit, MD, and our women’s health team at the Center for...

How Balanced Hormone Levels Benefit Your Skin Aug 1st, 2022

You may be used to hearing how external factors like sunlight affect your skin. You likely know the importance of wearing sunscreen year-round and using skin care with antioxidants to combat free radicals in air pollution. But what about internal factors affecting your skin health? Did you know that hormones...

Endometriosis: What to Know Jul 1st, 2022

Endometriosis is one of the most common gynecological issues, affecting one of every 10 women. It may go undiscovered for years because you may mistake the abdominal pain for cramps. We take endometriosis very seriously at the Center for Women’s Health in Wichita, Kansas. Board-certified OB/GYN Sharon Breit, MD, and our medical team work closely...

Period-Friendly Diet Hacks We Love Jun 1st, 2022

Did you know that the secret to hacking your cycle may be in your fridge? That’s right, the foods you eat in the lead-up to and during your period can ease period symptoms like bloating, cramping and water retention.  Changing your diet may make you feel better and minimize menstrual...

3 Reasons Prenatal Care Is Important Apr 1st, 2022

One of the best ways to promote a healthy birth is to have a healthy pregnancy. Getting prenatal care early and on a regular basis increases the chances that you and your baby remain healthy.  Prenatal care can begin even before pregnancy, with a visit to a health care provider...

A Comprehensive List of Off-Limit Foods When You're Pregnant Mar 1st, 2022

Balanced nutrition is vital for everyone at all times, but it is even more crucial when you’re pregnant.  Making smart food choices can help you have a healthy pregnancy and delivery. While you need more of certain nutrients like iron and folate, you should avoid certain foods altogether to protect...

Why Are My Periods So Heavy? Feb 1st, 2022

Roughly one of every five women experiences heavy menstrual bleeding, and many of them are unaware that their menstrual bleeding is abnormal. Having a couple of heavy days of flow during your period is normal, but how do you know if you’re experiencing bleeding that is too heavy?  At the...

What Does an Abnormal Pap Smear Mean? Jan 1st, 2022

Chances are, you’ve had a Pap smear, and you may know that it checks for abnormal changes to your cervix that could become cancer.  This test is an effective way to detect cervical cancer early, even before the abnormal cells have had a chance to turn into cancer. If you...

How To Prepare Your Body for Childbirth Dec 1st, 2021

You want to be in the healthiest shape possible when you're thinking about getting pregnant. It's important to schedule a visit with an OB/GYN to plan on how to have a healthy pregnancy. Your OB/GYN is your No. 1 resource when you're planning to have a child. Here at the...

The Link Between Menopause and Weight Gain Nov 1st, 2021

Each year more than 1 million women reach menopause, a time that marks the end of the reproductive years. You officially reach menopause when 12 months have passed since your last period.  Menopause isn't a sudden event. In the years leading up to menopause, while the ovaries gradually reduce their...

5 Tips for Choosing an OB/GYN for Your Pregnancy and Childbirth Oct 11th, 2021

Finding out you're having a baby is an exciting and joyful time. One of the most important decisions you can make regarding your child's birth is picking an OB/GYN who is experienced and makes you feel safe, secure, and comfortable. Dr. Sharon Breit and her team of medical professionals at...

How Over-the-Counter Ovulation Strips Can Help You Get Pregnant Sep 7th, 2021

With all the birth control options available, it’s fairly simple not to get pregnant if you don’t want to or are not ready to have a baby. But for some, getting pregnant when you’re ready to have a baby is not always straightforward. About 12% of women ages 15-44 have...

Thinking About Stopping Your Birth Control? Here’s What You Need to Know Aug 9th, 2021

Most women of childbearing age use some form of contraception (about 65% of women ages 15-49). Not surprisingly, the majority of women who use birth control do so to prevent pregnancy. But about 14% of those who use birth control pills use the pill for a reason other than pregnancy...

8 Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance Jul 28th, 2021

Hormones are chemical messengers that your endocrine glands produce. These important compounds affect all of your body's processes, including metabolism, reproduction, and growth. During a woman's lifetime, there are times when hormones fluctuate greatly, such as puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause. Hormones also fluctuate depending on where you are in...

What's Included in Prenatal Services? Jun 17th, 2021

Congratulations on your pregnancy! You’re probably a little excited and a little nervous. Receiving good prenatal care can help calm your nervousness.  At the Center for Women’s Health, board-certified OB/GYN Sharon Breit, MD, and her experienced and compassionate providers offer prenatal services to help support a healthy mother and a...

Understanding Your Birth Control Options May 14th, 2021

Are you sexually active but not ready to have a baby, not ready for more babies, or don’t want children? Fortunately, there are many birth control options. Unfortunately, there are so many it can be confusing to choose the one that’s right for you.  There are many things to consider...

Everything You Need to Know About Your First Prenatal Visit Mar 11th, 2021

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Don’t wait to begin prenatal care. As soon as you find out you're pregnant, contact us at the Center for Women's Health to schedule your first prenatal visit. Prenatal care is vital for your health and the health of your baby throughout your pregnancy. Our caring...

The Importance of Hereditary Cancer Screening Feb 2nd, 2021

About 1.8 million people were diagnosed with cancer in 2020 and, sadly, about 606,520 will eventually die of the disease. Everyone is at risk of developing cancer, but some people are at higher risk than others.  Those who smoke, for example, or who are obese, have a higher risk than...

Can BioTe Hormone Pellet Therapy Balance My Hormones? Jan 6th, 2021

Are you gaining or losing weight for no discernable reason? Having trouble sleeping? Are you moody? You may be experiencing a hormone imbalance, and you’re not alone. Hormone imbalances affect up to 80% of women. Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate many bodily functions such as reproduction, sleep cycles, growth,...

Why You Should Have Well-Woman Exams Dec 1st, 2020

Annual well-woman exams are important for a variety of reasons throughout your life. For example, they’re crucial for preventive health care, reproductive health, essential educational information, and health screenings. Women should schedule their first well-woman exam around age 21. Building a relationship with an OB/GYN throughout your life provides you...

Treatments to Help You Get Through Menopause Nov 1st, 2020

Some women sail through menopause, while others have symptoms that interfere with sleep, relationships, and other daily life activities. Menopause marks the end of your childbearing years,  when you haven’t had your menstrual period for 12 consecutive months. The average age of menopause in the United States is 51, but...

Will Endometrial Ablation Make Me Infertile? Oct 9th, 2020

Endometrial ablation is an effective and safe treatment for menorrhagia, the clinical name for heavy periods. More than 10 million women experience heavy menstrual bleeding every month.  While endometrial ablation won’t make you infertile, it is not recommended for women who would like to have children or have more children....

Helping Patients Understand Perimenopause Sep 1st, 2020

*written by BioTe   8 Symptoms of Perimenopause 1. Irregular Periods  Many patients report that the duration and regularity of periods may begin to change. As perimenopause progresses, periods may become further and further apart. 2. Decreased Bone Density With declining estrogen levels, many women may begin to lose bone...

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy vs. Traditional HRT Jul 31st, 2020

As the saying goes, death and taxes are inevitable. For women, menopause is also inevitable. Menopause and the time leading up to it, known as perimenopause, can cause a variety of problematic symptoms for some women. These issues include: Hot flashes Low libido Weight gain Sleep issues Mood swings  In...

Talking to Patients About BHRT Jul 22nd, 2020

*The following content was written and produced by BioTE Medical Talking about Hormone Optimization can be intimidating, and the idea of undergoing a BHRT pellet procedure for the first time can be scary. Often, opening the discussion with patients is one of the most important ways to address their concerns....

The Importance of Keeping Up With Your Annual Well-Woman Exam, Even During COVID-19 Jun 30th, 2020

While practicing social distancing and wearing masks when inside public places are important to protect your health, it’s also important to keep up with your annual well-woman exam. At the Center for Women’s Health, your health and safety are of utmost importance to us. We have implemented COVID-19 protocols in...

Your Summer Pregnancy Survival Guide: Tips for Staying Cool and Keeping Your Skin Safe May 20th, 2020

Now that you’re pregnant, you watch what you eat and drink and make sure everything that goes in you is safe for your baby, too. But as summer rolls around, and the weather heats up, you may not think twice about what you’re slathering on your skin.  At Center for...

How to Get Your Body Ready for Pregnancy: 5 Important Steps Apr 27th, 2020

Most women begin taking good care of their bodies and following their doctor’s advice as soon as they find out they’re pregnant. Everyone, of course, wants to have a healthy baby. But did you know that you could take steps before you conceive to help your pregnancy go smoothly? At...

Help Our Patients Age With Clarity Mar 29th, 2020

Facts About Cognitive Function & Hormone Balance As patients get older, both men and women can experience a drop in cognitive function. Difficulty thinking quickly, memory loss, and “brain fog” can be frustrating and disorienting—and can even have a negative impact on a patient’s professional life and put stress on...

Why You Should Trust Dr. Breit to Deliver Your Baby and Provide Great Obstetric Care Mar 5th, 2020

Congratulations! Learning you're pregnant is usually a day filled with great joy, a lot of excitement, and a little bit of worry. A great obstetrics team can help ease your fears and make sure that you and your baby receive the best care available. The best way to ensure that...

KSN News Feature: Caroline Breit Feb 26th, 2020

Dr. Breit's daughter, Caroline, is a 3rd-year medical student at KU and is working towards being a breast surgeon. Because of Dr. Breit's family's experiences, the Center for Women's Health was an early adapter of genetic hereditary cancer testing and does more tests than any other OB/GYN clinic in the state...

How Pregnancy Affects the Heart Feb 1st, 2020

It may feel like your heart doubles in size after you have your baby because of the love you feel. In reality, your heart is almost doubling its workload during your pregnancy. You’ve heard the saying that you’re eating for two. In the case of your heart, it’s sort of...

Start the New Year Off Right With a Well-Woman Exam Jan 1st, 2020

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight, eat better, or live healthier, then start your year with a well-woman exam. It’s a great first step toward achieving your goal. Even if you didn’t make any resolutions this year, scheduling a well-woman exam is still a terrific...

Suffering from Heavy Periods? Consider Endometrial Ablation Dec 1st, 2019

Your period can be problematic. You may get it at an inopportune time (hello, beach vacation?), or you get cramps or backaches. Maybe you break out when it’s that time of the month. But one of the most common menstrual cycle complaints is heavy and prolonged bleeding.  The medical term...

My Pap Smear Results Were Abnormal — What Now? Nov 1st, 2019

A Pap smear, also called a Pap test, is an important part of a comprehensive well-woman exam. Why is it so important? A Pap smear is a screening test for abnormal cells, which can be a sign of cervical cancer or a sign of precancerous cells that may lead to...

How Menopause Affects Your Mental Health Oct 1st, 2019

For many women, menopause brings welcome changes, and for equally as many, menopause and perimenopause bring many unwelcome symptoms. For example, some women are happy to stop their monthly periods. But no one enjoys night sweats, thinning hair, and mood swings. Menopause officially starts when a woman stops menstruating for...

BioTE: The Natural Way to Overcome a Hormone Imbalance Aug 1st, 2019

Menopause and age-related hormone imbalance can wreak havoc on your life. You may sometimes feel embarrassed or reluctant to discuss menopause symptoms or hormone issues, but the symptoms can be brutal and life-changing.  If you can’t talk about it, how can you find help? Hormonal imbalances are widespread. About 80%...

How Will Pregnancy Affect My Endometriosis Symptoms? Jul 1st, 2019

Endometriosis is a sometimes painful condition associated with infertility that affects about 11% of women — usually those in their 30s and 40s. Fortunately, there are many treatments to help you manage the symptoms of endometriosis and also to help you conceive if you’re struggling to get pregnant.  Researchers aren’t...

What Different Ultrasounds Can Tell Me About My Baby Jun 3rd, 2019

You’re certainly eager to meet the baby growing inside you. Nine months can seem like forever. Fortunately, ultrasounds can tell you a little bit about your baby as they grow. Different ultrasounds are done at various stages of your pregnancy, revealing different things about your child — such as gender...

10 Foods Expecting Mothers Should Be Eating May 1st, 2019

Eating a healthy diet during your pregnancy is essential. For starters, the food you eat and the nutrition you get directly affect the health of your unborn child. Secondly, when you’re healthier and stronger, you’re less likely to experience unpleasant pregnancy symptoms such as nausea and constipation and the more...

How Hereditary Cancer Screening Can Help You Apr 1st, 2019

Hereditary cancers are cancers that are the result of an inherited mutated gene from one, or both, of your parents. Having a mutated gene does not guarantee you will get cancer, but it does raise your risk for developing it. About 5-10% of cancers are passed down through families. When...

5 Steps You Can Take to Reduce Your Risk of Having a High-Risk Pregnancy Feb 11th, 2019

A high-risk pregnancy is a one with health complications that can affect the life or health of the baby and the mother. Fortunately, most pregnancies are without serious health complications. But even though only about 6-8% of pregnancies are considered high risk, those pregnancies can have serious adverse outcomes. The...

Bleeding During Pregnancy: What's Normal and What's Not? Jan 16th, 2019

Those nine months of pregnancy are often filled with joy and hope, and usually a little bit of fear and anxiety. These feelings are normal. We all want those nine months to go perfectly, but often they don’t go exactly as planned. Many women experience pregnancy symptoms that make them...

How Low Estrogen Can Affect Your Body Dec 7th, 2018

Estrogen is a very busy hormone for women throughout their lives. Men have some too, but women have more. Estrogen is primarily active in reproductive development and health for women, but its role is far greater than that. Estrogen is actually a group of sex hormones, each of them performing...

Top Things to Consider When Choosing a Birth Control Nov 16th, 2018

If you’re not ready to get pregnant, you already have the number of children you want, or you don’t want children at all, there are numerous ways to avoid pregnancy. The good news is there are more choices than ever. The bad news is there are more choices than ever....

The Negative Impact of Hormone Imbalance and How We Can Help Oct 17th, 2018

Hormones help regulate many of your bodily functions. They help you sleep through the night, have babies, grow hair, grow your body, metabolize food, and keep you warm, to name just a few functions that rely on hormones.If your hormones are imbalanced, this imbalance can have a significant impact on...

Why Is Prenatal Care So Important? Sep 14th, 2018

Prenatal care is the medical care you get throughout your pregnancy. Why is it important? Getting proper prenatal care is the best way to ensure that you give birth to a healthy baby and that you stay healthy throughout your pregnancy. The Office of Women’s Health reports that mothers who...

5 Reasons BioTE May Be Right for You Jul 3rd, 2018

Your endocrine system produces hormones that enter your bloodstream and help perform many bodily functions. They assist with growth, sexual development, reproductive health, metabolism, mood regulation, and other functions. As you age, hormone production slows down, creating an imbalance or deficit that can set a whole host of bodily functions...

10 Tips for Managing Morning Sickness Jun 19th, 2018

More than 50% of pregnant women experience morning sickness. For some, it can be mild, but for others, it can have a significant impact on quality of life. Our experts at Center for Women’s Health offer these strategies that you can use to nix the nausea.1. Start your morning out...

Dos and Don'ts of Exercise During Pregnancy Apr 25th, 2018

There was a time when pregnancy was widely regarded as a delicate condition. Pregnant women were routinely advised to rest often and avoid any type of exertion. Today, we know that exercise is not only safe for most pregnant women, but it’s generally recommended.   As a board-certified OB/GYN with three...

Facts and Myths About Sex After Menopause Mar 30th, 2018

It’s not something most women look forward to, but menopause is not a disease without a cure or an illness you’re forced to suffer through. It’s a transition that’s essentially unstoppable, as your body moves from one phase of life to another. In the simplest of terms, menopause is the...

Gaining the Right Amount of Weight During Pregnancy Feb 21st, 2018

Nearly every pregnant woman has been encouraged to “eat for two” and enjoy food during a time when weight gain is a good thing. But overeating and gaining too much during the nine months of your pregnancy can actually do more harm than good -- to you and your baby....

What You Should Know About HPV Jan 29th, 2018

The human papillomavirus, or HPV, is garnering a lot of attention recently, thanks to efforts by the medical community and the United States government to increase awareness of this common sexually-transmitted infection. At Women’s Center for Health, we’re joining this effort in order to protect the health of our patients...

What Every Woman Should Know About HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention Jan 18th, 2018

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in the United States among women. About 13,000 women develop cervical cancer each year, and about 4,000 of them die. Most cases of cervical cancer are caused by human papilloma virus, or HPV.The scoop on HPVThe human papillomavirus is a viral infection...

10 Tips for Managing Hot Flashes at Work Jan 3rd, 2018

Hot flashes affect up to three-quarters of women during perimenopause and menopause. You probably don’t need an explanation of what these episodes are like. They entail rising heat sensations on your skin, flushing in your face, and upper body sweating, along with a faster heartbeat and tingly fingers.Contrary to popular...

12 Tips for Getting Your Body Ready for Pregnancy Nov 21st, 2017

Some women have always known they want to have children, while others arrive at the decision after years of rumination. No matter which category you fall into, one thing’s probably certain: When you’re ready to have a baby, you’re ready!But prior to taking the plunge into parenthood — or adding...

What Every Woman Should Know About Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer Nov 9th, 2017

Every year in the United States, more than 200,000 women find out that they have breast cancer. Although virtually all women carry some amount of risk for developing the disease, those with a family history generally carry a much higher risk.As a hereditary cancer screening specialist here at Center for...

The Benefits of Hormone Therapy Oct 4th, 2017

The Benefits of Hormone TherapyYou may already know what it’s like to have hot flashes caused by hormonal changes during menopause. You may not know that changes in your hormone levels can also cause exhaustion, weight gain, excessively dry skin, and loss of muscle mass. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT)...

Ditch the Pill: 3 Birth Control Methods You Should Consider Jul 26th, 2017

Maybe you’ve tried birth control pills and didn’t like them, or perhaps you don’t want to be burdened with taking a pill every day to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. If so, and you’re looking for other methods of contraception, you’ve come to the right place. As an experienced OB/GYN well-versed...